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A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

Box Your Book—International Boxmaking Competition

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Box Your Book—International Boxmaking Competition

A competition? Who wins?

There is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize to be won in this competition. The 50 best-rated works will be nominated and included in the exhibition that will be shown in several places in the Netherlands and hopefully Belgium. For example, many will know themselves as the proud owner of a beautiful piece of work, which will be viewed and appreciated by many in and outside the profession.

All submissions will be included in a specially designed catalog, in which the 50 nominated pieces will receive extra exposure. And that catalog … is in a box!

The competition in short:

  • Entries via the website: by 31st December 2020 at the latest

  • The box must arrive at the organizer’s address by 1st April 2021 at the latest

  • Entry fee: € 40,-

  • Maximum muesurements of the book: 31 x 22 x 5 cm (12,2 x 8,7 x 2 inch)

  • Participants can choose their own box measures

  • The basis of the box must consist of either pulp (grey) board, carton or paper. Any sort of cover material can be used

  • The jury will judge on originality, design and execution. The relation with the chosen book will come first.

Competition Description Box your Book

Design and make a box for one of you your favourite books,
This competition it is all about you making a box for a book a bought or received book thatyou found yourself enthralled by while reading it or looking at it. A book which is special to you because of its content or layout. Consequently the challenge lies in having yourself inspired by this mechanically produced book. The callenge lies in the way the ‘handmade’ connects with ‘machine made’. Do you, for example, want it to form a unity or to emphasize a contrast? Thinking about this can yield new creative insights for designing and making your unique and personally crafted book box


  • The completed registration form must be recieved by by email or post before 31st of December 2020

  • Your registration becomes definite only after receipt of the fully completed entry form and the participation fee.

  • Entries are international.

  • The competition committee must have received the box by 1st April at the latest. Entries arriving later will unfortunately be excluded from participating.

  • The book (or its dummy) must be sent together with the box.

  • The box must be packed carefully so that it will not be damaged in the post and the packaging material must be re-usable for returning the box to its maker. The competition committee is not responsible for damage during transport.

  • After the entry’s arrival the the participant will get a receipt via email.

  • When in the end the box is not posted to the organizing committee there will be no restitution of the participation fee.

  • The book must have been printed and bound mechanically after 1880. (Handbookbound books are not allowed)

  • Maximum book measures are 31 x 22 x 5 cm (12,2 x 8,7 x 2 inch)

  • Neither the box nor the book may contain references to the box’s maker, so no initials or signatures on it.

  • Make a box for the book in such a way that the design (format and execution) of the box harmonizes with the content, character and the design of the chosen book.

  • The box’s design and its technical execution will be judged on equal footing.

  • The construction of the box has to be made of pulp (grey) board or any other sort of carton. There is a free choice of the definitive cover material and any other material you can think of for finishing the box.

  • The box can have either a loose or a fixed lid.

  • The jury judges on originality, design and execution. The relation with the chosen book will be foremost.

  • While judging, the jury does not know the participant’s name and nationality.

  • Entries that do not comply with the afore mentioned criteria will be excluded from participating.

  • There is no discussion about the verdicts and choices of the jury, neither verbally nor in writing. Should the competition rules not foresee certain cases, the competition committee will make a decision.

The Stichting Handboekbinden and its competition committee reserve the right to cancel the competition in the event of insufficient participation. Any participation fees already paid will then be refunded.

Please download the registration form here:  ByB Registration form
Download the regulations here: BoxYourBookWedstrijdreglementEN