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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 


New year, new membership cycle!

After much consideration, HBC has decided to change our membership cycle to begin January 1 of each year, rather than aligning our membership cycle with our fiscal year. We hope this will make things much easier for members, especially when determining whether your membership is current. For those of you who like to enter our exhibitions, it will also make it easier since you will be renewing your membership before filling out the intent to enter form, rather than after.

There are several types of memberships for Hand Bookbinders of California. You can join as a new single member or as a couple (Double) at the same address. Below are items to choose from for your membership. If you have questions or are unsure of what type of membership you require please contact us.

If you prefer to send a check when you join, please download the Membership Sign-up Form and post it to us.

$40 New Single Membership 2025
$45 New Double Membership 2025
$50 New Group Membership 2025
$20 New Student Membership 2025



Workshop Discount The HBC brings top binders to the Bay Area at least twice a year for workshops that provide hands-on instruction in technique, various book structures, paper decorating, equipment maintenance and many other topics. Members may enroll in these workshops for a discounted price. As well, members may apply for the Jane Aaron Scholarship, which will be granted subject to need.

Our Annual Exhibition The HBC sponsors an annual exhibit of bookbinding featuring recent works by members. It is an opportunity for any member of the Hand Bookbinders to showcase their recent work.

The HBC Webpage offers general information, a calendar of events & exhibit information, as well as a directory of members for clients and collectors seeking binding services. Visit the site at:

Membership Directory & Commissions List The HBC publishes an annual directory of members for the use of the membership. A list of members who accept commissions for work is posted to the website to assist potential clients in finding the right person for their project.

Regular Presentations The HBC holds monthly meetings between September and May with presentations by working bookbinders, booksellers, paper decorators, printers, collectors and other book arts professionals. Free to members and their guests.

The San Francisco Center for the Book serves as the venue for many HBC meetings. The Center houses letterpress and bookbinding equipment and a resource library.

The Monthly eMail News we send an email news journal keeping you informed of the months' activity. In busy months and for updates, this email news goes out twice monthly.

Special Events such as book fairs, joint meetings with other local book arts groups, trips to other bookbinding centers and our annual holiday party.

The Gold Leaf, Our Newsletter: The bi-annual newsletter of the HBC, provides information on local and international book arts events, profiles of well-known binders, book news, how-to tips, sources for equipment and supplies, and much more.