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A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

Linking the Past, Forging the Future: Conservation of a Medieval Chained Binding

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Linking the Past, Forging the Future: Conservation of a Medieval Chained Binding

Join us for a virtual presentation by Kathleen Smith, Curator of Germanic Collections & Medieval Studies at Stanford Libraries, Aude Gabory, Book Conservator at Stanford Libraries, and Karen Hanmer, book artist and educator, exploring a collaborative project to study, conserve, and recreate a 15th-century chained binding from Stanford Libraries’ collections.

Register here. Click BOOK ONLINE toward the bottom of the page, then select 11:00 AM.

This lecture is held in conjunction with the exhibition The Many Lives of Books: Exploring the Work of Book Conservators at the American Bookbinders Museum, on view from January 28 until April 29, 2023.