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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

Celebration of Fred and Barbara Voltmer

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Celebration of Fred and Barbara Voltmer

Saturday February 25, 2017 7 pm

San Francisco Center for the Book
375 Rhode Island St, San Francisco

rsvp by February 23

Fred and Barbara Voltmer are an institution in the world ofBay Area letterpress printing. With his particular combination of precision, deep knowledge of the craft, and skill, Fred has answered the call to any individual or institution in need of such help. Together they have single-handedly repaired and/or renovated twenty-one di&erent hand printing presses in Northern California. Fred and Barbara have not only donated their time, expertise, and energy — they are unfailingly enthu- siastic about letterpress printing and dedicated to spreading the word. The Voltmers have done this work with the deepest sense of knowledge and generosity to the history and study of letter- press printing. Please join us in celebrating their generosity and showing our appreciation.

Earlier Event: February 9
Later Event: March 7
No Meeting - March 7th