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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

HBC Member Event Calendar

Please mark the dates in your calendar and join us!

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Sunday, July 15th 2018
HBC Annual Summer Picnic at the Schwartzburg’s
11:30AM till……

And yet another lovely July Sunday afternoon with your favorite HBC members for our annual summer picnic hosted by Sheila and Toby Schwartzburg.

Guests should bring one of the following food or beverage categories according to the first letter of your their name.  

A-I salad or appetizer or bread & butter                                                                                
J-S entree or side dish or vegetable                                                                                      
T-Z dessert or non-alcoholic beverage

RSVP with a dish or dessert of beverage you are bringing RSVP to this way everyone can peruse what everyone else is bringing and make an appropriate decision.                                                                                                                

Address & directions to the Schwartzburg’s will be emailed to you after you have RSVP’d.


Earlier Event: May 6
Later Event: September 15
HBC46: Members' Exhibition Opening