Treasures from the Book Club of California — Hand Bookbinders of California

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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

Treasures from the Book Club of California

HBC Member Event Calendar

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Treasures from the Book Club of California

  • The Book Club of California 312 Sutter Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94108 USA (map)

We will visit the Book Club of California with Librarian, Elizabeth Newsom, who is happy to take requests in advance of our tour. If something catches your eye during the visit, let her know and we can all take a closer look. This will be fun!


Earlier Event: December 5
HBC annual Holiday Party
Later Event: March 19
Show & Tell