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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

HBC Member Event Calendar

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The 53rd Annual Members’ Exhibition

  • American Bookbinders Museum 355 Clementina Street San Francisco, CA 94103 United States (map)

53rd HBC Annual Members’ Exhibition

May 17 to August 23 at The American Bookbinders Museum

This exhibition will Include:

  • Recent work by members

  • Rainbow Pride Artist Books

  • Set Books: Two titles from, the late, Andrew Moorhouse’s Fine Press Poetry, in Rochdale, England.

    • Grimoire – New Scottish Folk Tales, wonderfully grim poems by Robin Robertson with expressive stark Drawings by Tim Robertson.

    • A Clockwork Diorama, a love story told in three-line verses by David Harsent complemented by 15 copperplate engravings by Veta Gorner.

Earlier Event: December 3