HBC48 - 2020 Catalog
Dear book lovers,
Thank you for taking the time to engage with the works in this catalog. This is a tough time to be hosting a bookbinding exhibit. It is also a tough time for members of Hand Bookbinders of California (HBC) to engage with each other. However, challenging times like this show us the true value of gathering together as we can, revealing the depth of our commitment to our wonderful craft and those who practice it. Solitary though many of us may be, connecting with each other as bookbinders however we can is vital to our growth and development. In light of this vital connection, I thank all who submitted work for the exhibit this year. I hope that seeing your projects in a public context contributes to your growth. It is also my hope that this exhibit will help other bookbinders. Through it, ideas coagulate, conversations emerge, and our community evolves.
One of my students commented that we are lucky to be dealing with the coronavirus pandemic when we are. The preponderance of the internet and the ubiquity of personal digital devices have made communicating with each other possible, whereas the possibilities would have been much more limited without these technological advances. HBC has been extremely fortunate recently in that a new board member, Insiya Dhatt, has already implemented several digital projects that connect us with the membership. Among them are a sliding fee scale on our renewals webpage for those financially impacted by COVID-19, and the uploading of several past exhibition catalogs and print issues of the Gold Leaf to our website for all members to peruse and enjoy. Our Editor-at-Large, Bridget McGraw, hosts a biweekly tool talk via Zoom video conferencing software, cleverly named by Megan Gibes,
“If these tools could talk…” Peggy Boston, our Programs Chair, initiated and lead the Exquisite Corpse project, which brought together 21 of our members in a collaborative venture. Begun before we faced a global pandemic, but continued through this time of sheltering in place, this project has been a fun and creative way for members to participate in a collective project. It is exciting to find ways we can connect with members in spite of our inability to meet together in person, and I thank the entire HBC board for their consistent efforts.
This year’s exhibit was made possible by our resolute and hard-working team headed up by Beth Redmond. Beth’s organizational abilities and passion for bringing all our work to light have been impressive. She has been helped by Servane Briand and Paloma Lucas, and I am constantly humbled by the team’s focus and ability to follow through with the exhibition this year in the face of the many challenges inherent in putting on a COVID-era event. We have a new catalog designer this year: Robin Brandes has bravely offered to lend us her formidable skills as a graphic designer to help create the catalog you see here. Thank you Robin!
Thanks also to Arion Press for allowing us to show our work in their gallery. I am hoping that conditions will have improved enough by September that we will all be able to converge in some fashion for the closing party. Megan Gibes, Alice Lin, and Sarah Lariviere have all been essential in making this year’s exhibit happen, so thank you!
I am a strong believer in the South African concept of ubuntu, which means, “I am because we are.” Knowing all the talented, resilient people who are creating the Hand Bookbinders of California in this moment together, I see a strong organization here. And as you look at the beautiful work in this year’s exhibition, I think you will enjoy seeing who we are too.
Juliayn Coleman, President
Hand Bookbinders of California
Purchase the catalog (limited supplies)

HBC48 - 2020 Catalog
Dear book lovers,
Thank you for taking the time to engage with the works in this catalog. This is a tough time to be hosting a bookbinding exhibit. It is also a tough time for members of Hand Bookbinders of California (HBC) to engage with each other. However, challenging times like this show us the true value of gathering together as we can, revealing the depth of our commitment to our wonderful craft and those who practice it. Solitary though many of us may be, connecting with each other as bookbinders however we can is vital to our growth and development. In light of this vital connection, I thank all who submitted work for the exhibit this year. I hope that seeing your projects in a public context contributes to your growth. It is also my hope that this exhibit will help other bookbinders. Through it, ideas coagulate, conversations emerge, and our community evolves.
One of my students commented that we are lucky to be dealing with the coronavirus pandemic when we are. The preponderance of the internet and the ubiquity of personal digital devices have made communicating with each other possible, whereas the possibilities would have been much more limited without these technological advances. HBC has been extremely fortunate recently in that a new board member, Insiya Dhatt, has already implemented several digital projects that connect us with the membership. Among them are a sliding fee scale on our renewals webpage for those financially impacted by COVID-19, and the uploading of several past exhibition catalogs and print issues of the Gold Leaf to our website for all members to peruse and enjoy. Our Editor-at-Large, Bridget McGraw, hosts a biweekly tool talk via Zoom video conferencing software, cleverly named by Megan Gibes,
“If these tools could talk…” Peggy Boston, our Programs Chair, initiated and lead the Exquisite Corpse project, which brought together 21 of our members in a collaborative venture. Begun before we faced a global pandemic, but continued through this time of sheltering in place, this project has been a fun and creative way for members to participate in a collective project. It is exciting to find ways we can connect with members in spite of our inability to meet together in person, and I thank the entire HBC board for their consistent efforts.
This year’s exhibit was made possible by our resolute and hard-working team headed up by Beth Redmond. Beth’s organizational abilities and passion for bringing all our work to light have been impressive. She has been helped by Servane Briand and Paloma Lucas, and I am constantly humbled by the team’s focus and ability to follow through with the exhibition this year in the face of the many challenges inherent in putting on a COVID-era event. We have a new catalog designer this year: Robin Brandes has bravely offered to lend us her formidable skills as a graphic designer to help create the catalog you see here. Thank you Robin!
Thanks also to Arion Press for allowing us to show our work in their gallery. I am hoping that conditions will have improved enough by September that we will all be able to converge in some fashion for the closing party. Megan Gibes, Alice Lin, and Sarah Lariviere have all been essential in making this year’s exhibit happen, so thank you!
I am a strong believer in the South African concept of ubuntu, which means, “I am because we are.” Knowing all the talented, resilient people who are creating the Hand Bookbinders of California in this moment together, I see a strong organization here. And as you look at the beautiful work in this year’s exhibition, I think you will enjoy seeing who we are too.
Juliayn Coleman, President
Hand Bookbinders of California
Purchase the catalog (limited supplies)